Nungarin Community Resource Centre
Vertical Divider
Located at the north end of Railway Avenue, the CRC provides assistance to locals and tourists alike. We are also the Post Office and Tourist Information Centre. Each year we:
- Compile and publish the local phone directory - Hold a photo competition and produce a calendar from submitted entries - Arrange and coordinate Wildflower & History Tours of the area (early October) - Coordinate community courses and events In addition, at the beginning of 2022 we took on the role of producing the monthly newsletter: The Nungarin Newslink Other services we provide to the community are:
Print and copy/scan and email documents Publication design and production Secretarial services Event support and promotion Wireless internet (free for government sites) Gifts and souvenirs Tourist Information Telstra pre-paid vouchers ATM Card banking Australia Post Services Contact details and hours of operation are at the bottom of this webpage
or email: [email protected] |